Gold Coast Snake Catcher
If you’re looking for an affordable Gold Coast snake catcher that offers fast, friendly & professional service – look no further!
Our consultants are experts in snake identification and the safe relocation of all reptile species, including venomous and non-venomous snakes, goannas, and turtles. We are an experienced team that guarantees you a thorough and comprehensive service while always maintaining a high level of safety at your home or business.
Furthermore, we consider education to be an important aspect of our service and strive to provide our clients with useful information, advice, and tips on snake awareness that we hope will be useful in the future.
We service the entire Gold Coast region, including the hinterland and Logan’s southern suburbs, and we provide the quickest response times possible. If you require our assistance, we will be there before you know it.
Call your Gold Coast snake catchers now on 0423 866 017. We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays.
Alternatively, for non-urgent enquiries, please contact us via email at and we will respond as soon as possible.

Servicing the Gold Coast and surrounding areas
Easy payment options. Upfront pricing.
Rapid response.
We’ll be there before you know it!
Open 24 Hours a day – 7 days a week.
Cheapest snake catcher on the
Gold Coast.
Fully licensed & insured. Friendly, reliable service.
Snake relocation.
Property and
roof inspections.

Do you require a Gold Coast Snake Catcher RIGHT NOW?
Service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including public holidays. Quick response. Easy payment options available. Lowest rates on the Gold Coast.

South East Queensland Snakes
There are 27 terrestrial snake species in South East Queensland. Check out our snake identification page for more information. Please send us your photos. Our snake identification service is always free!

South East Queensland Lizards
South East Queensland is home to a wide variety of lizard species. For more information, visit our lizard identification page. Please send your photos to us. Our lizard identification service is always free!
About Us
We are here for you 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Our team is fully licensed and insured, and we offer the most competitive rates in the industry. Simple payment options are available.
Our goal is to mitigate potentially dangerous interactions between people and our local reptiles while also encouraging a more environmentally friendly approach to them. We strive to not only assist but also educate our clients as much as possible, and we hope that the information we share will help you develop a deeper appreciation for reptiles and the important roles they play in our local ecosystems.
South East Reptile Relocations provides services such as 24 hour snake relocations, roof and property inspections, and reptile awareness consultations.
All actions undertaken on behalf of South East Reptile Relocations have been approved by the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, and are carried out by appropriately licenced, trained, and insured consultants.

Have you discovered a snake in your home?
South East Queensland is home to a wide variety of native reptiles, including 27 terrestrial snakes and numerous lizard and turtle species. This region is home to a number of venomous snakes, some of which are among the top ten most venomous on the planet. Here are some simple steps you can take if you come across a snake on your property or inside your home.
Once you are well clear of the snake, keep any pets under control until the snake has either moved on on its own or has been relocated by a snake catcher.
If you are to encounter a snake inside your home close off the room as much as possible and apply a wet towel to the bottom of the door to prevent the snake from escaping into the rest of your home. If the snake is not in a room that can be closed off, keep an eye on it from a safe distance. In this case, the only legal option is to contact a licenced professional to relocate the animal.
Never try to catch or kill a snake because this is how most people are bitten. Attempting to catch or kill a snake without the proper licencing is illegal in Queensland, and there are severe penalties.
Call your Gold Coast snake catchers on 0423 866 017. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide professional assistance with any reptiles.
Once the snake catcher is on their way, ensure you maintain a safe distance and keep a constant eye on the snake or where it was last seen.
If the snake is in a closed off room then it is suggested that you keep an eye on the outside of the door just in case the snake finds a way out. This makes a huge difference for our catchers as snakes can be extremely difficult to find once they move out of sight.
How can I keep the snakes out of my yard?
Snakes will always be a potential hazard to consider no matter where you live in Australia. Though there is no 100% guaranteed method of preventing snakes from passing through your property, there are a few things that can be done to greatly reduce the likelihood of them staying. The following are some methods for making your property less appealing to snakes.
Keep your yard clean!
You can greatly reduce the number of snakes on your property by keeping your lawn short, gardens free of dense overgrowth, and removing unnecessary ground-laying items. Snakes are relatively vulnerable animals in the wild, preferring to congregate in areas where they know they can flee predators. Snakes are more likely to leave your property if there are few places for them to hide.
Snake proof fencing
Snake-proof fencing is available from Bunnings and, when used correctly, can be an effective means of preventing some terrestrial snakes from entering your premises. This, however, will not prevent all snakes from entering because many species are excellent climbers.
Seal up all crevices around your home
Certain snake species seek shelter within the foundation and ceiling cavities of homes during the winter months because it provides them with a degree of warmth and safety. Sealing off all potential entry points prevents snakes from entering and increases the likelihood that they will move elsewhere. Please keep in mind that snakes can squeeze through narrow gaps as small as 1-2cm.
Keep outdoor pet enclosures clean
Snakes are drawn to outdoor pets such as guinea pigs and birds for a variety of reasons. For starters, uncleaned cages often develop a strong odour of your pets which is often interpreted as an irresistible opportunity for passing snakes to get an easy feed. Uncleaned cages will also attract rodents to your home which in turn will eventually attract snakes as well. To reduce the chances of snakes entering and preying on your pets, keep pet cages off the ground and with as little space between bars as possible.
Additional Information
For additional information on our native wildlife and wildlife authority/licensing information visit EHP (Environment & Heritage Protection). To report an injured animal in QLD (Including snakes & other reptiles) contact RSPCA Queensland on 1300 264 625 or otherwise, Wildcare Australia at 07 5527 2444
South East Reptile Relocations
Gold Coast Snake Catcher
Contact Us
0423 866 017
24 Hours / 7 Days
ABN 57 943 983 661